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Thursday, November 24, 2011


Listen Guys, There has been alot of things going on on There losts of hackers and unofficial noobs. Please, if your one of the noobs with like to (Excuse me for my language) fuck things up for us regular chobots? Then fuck you. I wanna have a safe environment for all my cho friends, and you guys are fucking it up and turning it into hell. Yes no one knows me, yes I sound like I'm whining, yes i don't have any followers but who every stumbles upon my blog should read this, I don't Care! Just think about it MoFo's. =/ 



  1. IKR dude those damn hackers need to quit it. (Sorry for the foul language) They need to stop. Quit taking the anger out on everybody only on the people that are involved. People these days.
